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All About Idaho
      APRIL / MAY 2021   •  IDAHO SENIOR INDEPENDENT                                                                                              PAGE 5

                                     Salmon and Steelhead for

                                               Future Generations

                                                        MAKING IT WORK FOR EVERYONE

                                                            If we want to have salmon and steel-               Columbia  Basin  Tribes  would  have
      BY HOLLY ENDERSBY                                  head in Idaho in the future, we need to           four votes, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and
                                                         change  what  we’ve  been  doing  while           Washington representatives would have
          On February 6, Idaho Representative            ensuring we provide certainty and sus-            four votes, and the Northwest Governors
      Mike Simpson unveiled a proposal to address        tainability for our communities.                  would have four votes.
      declining Northwest salmon and steelhead              President Biden is expected to propose             The  Council  would  be  charged  with
      populations through the breaching of the           a National Clean Energy Stimulus bill this        overseeing the following:
      Lower Four Snake River Dams. The proposal          year.  Representative  Simpson  says  the            <  joint fish recovery operations,
      provides the following assurances:                 proposal he and his Congressional partners           <  joint invasive species control,
         <  continued reliable energy,                   are working on carries a $33.5 billion price         <  joint predator control,
         <  support for agriculture,                     tag, which would represent 1 to 2 percent            <  joint science and monitoring activities,
         <  secure transportation,                       of the stimulus bill. This is an opportunity         <  cooperation with federal fish and wildlife
         <  safe removal of sediment,                    for citizens of Idaho, Montana, Oregon,               agencies,
         <  watershed improvement,                       and Washington to be decision makers and             <  w or k i n g  w i th  the  n or thw es t
         <  establishment of a Lower Snake River         crafters of a future beneficial to fish and           congressional delegation to increase
          National Recreation Area,                      people alike.                                         federal salmon appropriations.
         <  economic and scientific development             Rather than waging continual war in the            Within the proposal are plans for water-
          within the Columbia River watershed            courts, it makes sense to look seriously at       shed partnerships throughout our region.
         <  management of salmon and steelhead           the Simpson proposal and work together to             Despite Simpson and his team holding
          by a co-equal Northwest State and Tribal       control our own future.                           over three hundred meetings, not everyone
          Fish and Wildlife Council.                        The proposal is carefully explained on         is on board. Some people who work in
          It’s a big idea worth considering, given       Representative Simpson’s website (www.            agriculture, in particular, are concerned
      the political elements and implications. , and I urge readers to         about moving grain by road and rail versus
          Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have             go there and read the details.                    barging as is done now. They point to a
      seniority positions in the current Congress.          The proposal budgets for the following:        larger carbon footprint as well as increased
      These positions can provide the necessary             <  money for breaching the dams during         transportation costs for grain growers. But
      support for legislation of this magnitude             the summer and fall of 2030 and 2031,          a port city such as Lewiston, which is hun-
      to succeed.                                           <  the cost of energy replacement from power    dreds of miles from the ocean, is certainly
          The current situation seems unsustain-            removed from the grid with dam breaching,      a issue that has to be addressed, both for
      able with the amount of lawsuits, appeals,            <  money  for  voluntary  removal  or          agriculturalists and fish.
      Environmental Impact Statements, and                  mitigation  of  small  private  dams  or           In addition, concerns about increased
      judicial directives.                                  other  river  structures  that  impede         energy costs and providing energy lost
          For more than 30 years, we have spent             salmon migration,                              to the grid from breaching the dams is a
      $17 billion on salmon recovery efforts,               <  funds for indemnification for irrigation    sticking point for some. This is why it’s
      although today more salmon and steel-                 districts,                                     important to engage with your Legislators,
      head runs are listed under the Endangered             <  region-wide watershed improvements,         so your concerns as well as support are
      Species Act than in 1980. What we’ve been             <  recreation and tourism opportunities,       clearly communicated.
      doing simply isn’t working and provides no            <  improvements  to  animal  waste                 I live near a small Idaho town where
      certainty for any party—agriculture, power            management,                                    salmon, steelhead, and whitewater rafting
      generation, conservation, recreation, trans-          <  i ncr eased  fundi ng  for   bar ge         are the lifeblood of the economy. As fish
      portation, tourism, nor job opportunities.            transportation for agriculture products,       numbers have plummeted, so have motel
          Three things directly impact salmon               <  protection from lawsuits,                   bookings, meals in restaurants, groceries
      survival. First, polluted ocean conditions            <  extension of licensing to 35 years for      bought by anglers, and guided trips.
      reduce the number of returning adults.                other Columbia and Snake River dams,               A robust salmon and steelhead fishery
      Second, global climate change makes north-            <  a  litigation  moratorium  of  the  same    translates to jobs in many small com-
      west rivers and reservoirs warmer. Third,             duration.                                      munities. I fear that if we don’t take this
      dams, including the four Lower Snake River            A Northwest State and Tribal Fish and          opportunity to really address the salmon,
      dams, are detrimental to salmon and steel-         Wildlife Council would act as the primary         steelhead,  and  dams  issue,  the  iconic
      head reproduction cycles. At the end of            fish manager. This council preserves a            Salmon River will one day be devoid of its
      their 900-mile trek back to Idaho, the adult       co-equal status among members.                    namesake fish. ISI
      return for salmon is 1 percent and trending
      ever lower.

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