Page 14 - ISI_185_DecemberJanuary
P. 14

14            SPOTLIGHTS                                                            IDAHO SENIOR INDEPENDENT  •  DECEMBER 2022  |  JANUARY 2023

                        Improv Ministry of Peace

                                       and Joy for Seniors

                                                                                  BY DIANNA TROYER

                                                                                      When words fail, Pastor Dan Hendricks counts on music to
                                                                                  communicate with seniors when he walks into an assisted living
                                                                                  center or hospice situation.
                                                                                      “I never know what will happen,” he said Hendricks. For two
                                                                                  decades Hendricks has touched countless lives in Minidoka and
                                                                                  Cassia counties of southeastern Idaho.
                                                                                      “Every situation is different,” said Hendricks, 50, pastor at First
                                                                                  Assembly of God in Rupert and chaplain for Horizon Home Care
                                                                                  and Hospice. “It’s kind of like doing musical improv. I just know
                                                                                  at that moment, I’m God-appointed to be there and minister. I
                                                                                  sing while the Lord directs and ministers. I tune into what people
                                                                                  want to hear, whether it’s hymns, country classics, pop, or rock.”
                                                                                      Sometimes he sings one-on-one with a resident, while other
                                                                                  times he leads singing in a common room.
                                                                                      “Music always touches people in profound and dramatic ways,”
                                                                                  he said. “Songs evoke emotional reactions when other communi-
                                                                                  cation fails.”
                                                                                      He recalls a man in the memory care wing of a skilled nursing
                                                                                  center, who stared blankly and was unresponsive to conversation.
                                                                                      “I knelt beside his wheelchair, held his hand, then began singing
                                                                                  ‘Amazing Grace,’” Hendricks said. “By the second verse, he was
                                                                                  weeping. His eyes were alert and full of expression, like he had
                                                                                  come back to life.”
                                                                                      Another time, a woman could not stop crying.
                                                                                      “For some reason, she had become locked in a sad mindset,”
                                                                                  Hendricks said. “When I went to visit her, I would sing and recite
                                                                                  Longfellow’s poem about daffodils. It took several weeks, but she
                                                                                  slowly and steadily regained joy in her life. When I wasn’t there, she
                                                                                  would lead other residents in an imagined choir. I was so blessed.”
                                                                                      Another unforgettable experience was a family saying goodbye to
                                                                                  their matriarch. They requested Hendricks sing her favorite hymn,
                                                                                  “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”
                                                                                      “As I sang, the family began weeping, and a great sense of peace
                                                                                  filled the room,” he said.
      Pastor Dan Hendricks dances with Karen Fowles.                                  Hendricks discovered his love of musical performance through
      Photo by Nancy Kunau.                                                       karaoke.



                                                                                                           1 Honshu drama
                                                                                                           4 Words before a recap
                                                                                                           11 Audi rival
                                                                                                           14 Boise-to-Billings dir.
                                                                                                           15 “Raging Bull” boxer
                                                                                                           16 Infamous Vietnam War site, My __
                                                                                                           17 “Take my advice: no use crying over spilled
                                                                                                           milk ... “
                                                                                                           20 Compact part
                     ANSWERS ON PAGE 31                                                                    22 Spumante source
                                                                                                           21 Greet warmly

                                                                                                           23 PC core
                                                                                                           26 Spot to get a bite on the street
                                                                                                           27 Rockets’ org.
                                                                                                           28 Low cloud
                                                                                                           32 Two-__: half-price opportunity
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