Page 10 - ISI_173_AugustSeptember
P. 10

PAGE 10         HOME & LIFESTYLE                                                         IDAHO SENIOR INDEPENDENT  •  AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2021
                    Making People Grow

                                                 IDAHO MASTER GARDENERS


          Many years ago, my husband and I dis-
      covered Master Gardeners can be a gardener’s
      best friends. As newcomers to north Idaho,
      we’d had little success cultivating vegetables
      at our rural property. The short growing
      season, climate, and soil conditions baffled
      us. Then we attended a local farmers’ market,
      where we stopped at a table with a banner
      reading, “Idaho Master Gardeners.”
          Those kind volunteers gave us such
      sage advice that soon we were growing an
      abundance of delicious veggies.
          As we discovered, Master Gardeners are
      dedicated to volunteering in their com-
      munities, acting as official representatives
      of county extension offices. With years
      of experience and possessing a Master
      Gardener Certificate, these folks have a
      deep understanding about the issues that
      influence horticulture in their specific
      geographic area. They know how to raise
      fruit-bearing trees and bushes, vegetables,
      and flowers; how to compost and improve
      the soil; and how to deal with bugs and pests
      in an environmentally friendly way.
          Among the many ways Master Gardeners
      improve their communities is by educating
      both home gardeners and organizations
      about sustainable, environmentally sound
      gardening practices. They spread the word
      by volunteering at farmers’ markets, writ-
      ing newspaper articles, posting or blogging
      on social media, teaching in-person and
      online classes, and helping to develop and
      maintain demonstration gardens.
          Students in the Idaho Master Gardener
      Certification Program spend many volun-
      teer hours on their own projects as well.
          In northern Idaho, that can include serv-
      ing at an educational booth at the Kootenai        Kootenai Master Gardeners’ Pollinator Demo Garden, which is home to many native bees that the organi-
                                                         zation is raising for the UI Extension Pollination Project. Photo by Kathleen Mulroy.
      County Farmers’ Market; tagging trees for

                                                                                                           CROSSWORD CLUES
                                                                                                           1 Playfully shy
                                                                                                           4 Cooled with cubes
                                                                                                           8 Shrubs arranged as barriers
                                                                                                           14 Anger
                                                                                                           15 It has three numbers and two slashes
                                                                                                           16 Staves off
                                                                                                           17 *Afternoon social that may include a waltz
                                                                                                              or three
                                                                                                           19 Stay close to
                                                                                                           20 Start of a pirate’s refrain
                                                                                                           21 Matching tops worn together
                                                                                                           23 Phobos, to Mars
                                                                                                           25 Cry after a golfer’s ace
                                                                                                           26 “Even __ speak ... “
                                                                                                           29 Goldarn
                                                                                                           31 [None of the above]
                                                                                                           34 New Mexico art community
                                                                                                           35 Wall St. takeover
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