Page 4 - ISI_176_FebruaryMarch
P. 4

         PAGE 4                                                                                    IDAHO SENIOR INDEPENDENT  •  FEBRUARY  |  MARCH 2022

                                             Brain Games

                                                      ANSWERS TO THESE PUZZLES ON PAGE 31

      Sudoku                                                                      Scrabble

      SUDOKU                                                                      DIRECTIONS:
      DIRECTIONS:                                                                     Make  a  2-to
          Complete  the                                                           7-letter word from
      grid  so  each  row,                                                        the  letters  in  each
      column and 3-by-3                                                           row. Add points  of
      box  (in  bold  bor-                                                        each  word,  using
      ders) contains every                                                        scoring directions at
      digit from 1 to 9. For                                                      right. Finally, 7-letter
      strategies on solv-                                                         words get 50-point
      ing  Sudoku,  visit                                                         bonus. "Blanks" used                                                              as  any  letter  have
      Boggle                                                                      no  point  value.  All

                                                                                  the words are in the
                                                                                  Official SCRABBLE   ®
      BOGGLE  DIRECTIONS:                                                         Players Dictionary,
          Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-     5th Edition.
      side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may
      only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and
      compare word finds, crossing out common words.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9