Driving with Dementia: Knowing When to Stop
When should someone with dementia stop driving? My 83-year-old father has some dementia issues but still drives himself around town pretty well.
When should someone with dementia stop driving? My 83-year-old father has some dementia issues but still drives himself around town pretty well.
Funerals matter and they serve an emotional, spiritual and relational purpose.
Dear Sarah: My wife Susan died 10 months ago and, following her instructions, we had her body cremated. Now I have her ashes, and I’m struggling about what to do with them.
If you’re present at an expected death, the first thing to do when the person dies, is nothing.
The kitchen is arguably the most dangerous room in the home for anyone.
What’s the best way to go about choosing an assisted living facility for my 86-year-old father?
When his wife, Anne Maple, was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease, Scott Carpenter soon discovered there were no really effective products to help caregivers monitor the safety of loved ones with dementia.
Not only is it hard to relinquish the role of “parent,” but it’s scary when people get older and realize things happen to them physically and emotionally that are out of their control. Still as people age they may find support at home is required.
As we age, toenails can become thicker and harder to cut, and reduced flexibility can make it more difficult to even get into the right position to cut them.
Seeking guardianship or conservatorship for who can’t tend to their own needs? It’s a long process. Plan ahead with a durable power of attorney.
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