
Official Christmas City, USA

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Rupert Idaho Christmas

It’s the season of giving for Rupert Christmas Festival celebrants

By Dianna Troyer

For Rupert residents in southern Idaho, the Christmas season is more about giving than receiving. For decades, countless volunteers have been giving their time to organize the Rupert Christmas Festival, centered at the town’s dazzling square that resembles a Hallmark movie set.

Events are posted at the Christmas City, USA Facebook page and Instagram.

Even some local children have no interest in receiving toys.

“You’d be surprised what children ask for,” said Scott Draper, director of operations for Project Mutual Telephone in Rupert by day and Santa after hours. “There have been many tears shed due to children’s humble requests. Some have meekly asked for loved ones who have passed on to return, parents who have left to return, or gifts for family members in other areas or for those who are incarcerated.”

He recalls a boy with Down syndrome reaching for Santa. “His mother told me he usually doesn’t go to anyone. When he came to Santa that night, it was special for him, his mother, and me.”

Santa chats with children at the square’s radiant gazebo the three Saturdays before Christmas.

“Children truly believe that Santa may bring anything, solve everything, and share magic,” he said.

Draper first became Santa in 2002 to deliver gifts provided by his workplace. “I knew these families had small children, so I mentioned Santa needed to be the one to deliver the gifts. I was immediately given the job.”

The next year, the city of Rupert needed Santa to help with the town’s Christmas lighting ceremony. “Someone suggested me, and I’ve had the honor ever since. That opportunity has morphed into many other opportunities to spread Christmas cheer through Santa.”

Christmas City, USA

Besides talking to children, Santa has another equally important job—turning on the lights at the square to start the festival and to celebrate Rupert’s 27th year as officially being designated Christmas City, USA.

In 1987, Governor Cecil Andrus signed a proclamation giving Rupert its noteworthy name. He cited residents’ previous two decades of “adorning their streets and city square with festive lights to welcome visitors in celebration of the ideal of peace on earth.”

Collectible porcelain ornaments and a special postage cancellation were made to celebrate the honor.

To ensure Rupert lives up to its name, city employees embrace the cheerful chore of putting up thousands of lights, setting up displays, and hanging Christmas City, USA banners above the streets.

“With all hands-on deck, it takes about four days in mid-November to get it all ready,” said Roger Davis, Rupert Fire Department chief.

They know their task will attract thousands of celebrants the Friday evening after Thanksgiving when Davis oversees the arrival of Santa followed by a fireworks show.

Instead of guiding reindeer from a sleigh, Santa accepts a ride on a vintage 1941 Seagrave firetruck festooned with lights. He strolls to the square’s gazebo and flips a switch, officially starting the holiday season.

“All the street lights are turned off to give extra emphasis to only the square being illuminated,” Davis said. “After people have a moment to absorb the lighted displays and scenery, the fireworks show starts. The street lights are turned back on after we’re done to ensure the only lights are the Christmas lights and fireworks.”

Hallmark movie set

Meanwhile behind the scenes, Amanda Larson organizes a Christmas Market at the square.

“We tell vendors, ‘Why watch a Hallmark movie, when you can be in one,’ ” she said. “Being at the square during December really does make you feel like you’re on a Hallmark movie set with all the decorations and the ice-skating rink. It feels magical and relaxed. The square radiates wonder and such a good Christmas feeling with a sense of caring and service to others.”

To keep the season bright every year, the Christmas Lighting Committee hosts fund-raising meals at the square, using profits to buy fireworks and displays. For more than four decades, members have hosted a Fourth of July pancake breakfast and a chili supper the day after Thanksgiving.

“Seeing kids’ eyes light up and their faces brighten when they feel the spirt of the season makes it all worthwhile,” said Steve Gibson, 70, one of its three founding members. “Rupert is unique, having the square and theater nearby as the center of town for holiday events.”

He said his volunteerism is a way to give back to his hometown and ensure those who come will have happy holiday memories.

“I’ve been on the committee since I was in my 20s and don’t see myself ever quitting,” he said. “I remember Santa coming to the square on a fire engine when I was a boy. Kids were given paper bags with an orange, peanuts and some candy.”

The holiday season’s finale is celebrating New Year’s Eve at the square. To provide a localized version of lowering the shimmering ball at Times Square, a-22-foot-tall illuminated metal replica of a sugar beet—nicknamed Crystal in honor of local farmers’ mainstay crop—is lowered by a crane.

“We try to make the holidays here memorable for everyone,” Larson said. “Hopefully those feelings of joy will carry over throughout the coming year.” ISI

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