December 2023 January 2024 Issue

    Idaho Senior Independent Issue 195

    Articles Found in This Issue

    Nurse and man How to Choose an Assisted Living Facility - What’s the best way to go about choosing an assisted living facility for my 86-year-old father?
    Urn What to Do with Cremated Ashes - There’s no shortage of options when it comes to handling or disposing of your cremated remains after you’re gone.
    Firearms Instructor Firearms Instructor - Chris Van Etten Shares His Top Caliber Expertise By Dianna Troyer Firearms instructor Chris Van Etten has made it his mission to share his insights from constantly staring through gun sights during his 36-year career as a security guard at the Idaho National Laboratory. At the Department of Energy lab in eastern Idaho, Van Etten… Read More »Firearms Instructor
    Table of healthy food. Don’t Believe the Big FAT Liars - With a broad reaching shout, the cry of “fat is bad” has filled our collective perception of health for the greater part of the twentieth century and remains into the start of the twenty-first.
    A Darkness Lit By Heroes book cover. Book Review: A Darkness Lit by Heroes - One Hundred sixty-eight died, two hundred forty survived. “A Darkness Lit By Heroes” takes you all the way inside the world’s biggest hard rock mine disaster.
    Parliament building. Magical Victoria, BC and Butchart Gardens - Hustle and bustle gets a bit trying at our advanced ages, especially with limited time to visit. A slower, more relaxed pace can still make for a memorable experience.
    Renaissance Art Woman, Goldie. At 73, Renaissance Art Woman ‘Goldie’ Never Stops Learning - From portfolios packed with original posters, to oil and watercolor paintings, singing and quilting, and making children’s clothes, Kathy “Goldie” Golden is a truly eccentric and eclectic renaissance art woman.
    Holiday Cheer Holiday Cheer - Let me first wish all of you a very happy, peaceful and safe Holiday Season.
    Holiday drinks Shelby’s Holiday Drink Recipes - Everyone should have some good drink recipes to use during the holidays and winter season. Here are some of my favorites.
    Plate of crinkle cookies Shelby’s Chocolate Krinkle Cookies - These chocolaty, chewy cookies are good any time of year but especially during the holiday season.
    Family gathering for the holidays. Handling the Holidays with Alzheimer’s Disease - Staying sane, not to mention enjoying this special time of the year, is even more of a challenge when you’re caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or some other type of cognitive impairment.
    George Toner George Toner Recounts Nine Decades of Diverse Careers - Since childhood during the Depression, George Toner said he rarely turned down work–no matter what it was–even driving truck at age 7
    Torchlight parade Torchlight Parades on New Year’s Eve - Have you ever been to a torchlight parade? It’s a “can’t miss” event for residents and visitors.